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Just some things people have said about my work::

Click titles to view peice of work


"Was totally engrossed right to the end which was unexpected and well done. It was all well


"Damn this is a good poem! Truely inspiring! I have to work harder if I want to produce
something like this. A Masterpiece!"


"oOH YOU ARE GOOD. Fantastic imagery at work here. "


"The way you write.....I believe you have an angel on your shoulder watching over you. or
perhaps the angel is inside you.

stay as you are.

and keep sharing.

I absolutely love hearing your words"


"Handful of Flesh" -(this is my favourite review!)

"Splendid mix of carnal fear and revenge. "

"well i have to say...

that was nice very nice

simple unadulterated sentiment. "


"that was cool. all the description stuff made me look twice at what i was reading, instead
of just rushing right through it, score. "

"honey, this poem kicked ass!

congrats on yet another good peice."


"i like it. of course i like all of your poems, and it's cause you're a good writer becasue
they come different each time! this one does not reval much, just that someone is in a hospital,
the reader is wondering why, when, how, but that's not important!

very good monsieur dreamer."


"Like the poem, it has a meaning beyond the hospital. Look forward to reading more works by

"nice narrative style...it makes it seem thre character in the poem is breathing deeply awakening
from soem operation or drug high intoxication or alcohol excess......"



mon ami,

i'm having trouble being able to type right now.....

you know how i feel about your writing, i absolutely love it. always.
this must have been so so so painful to actually get out on paper though.....i know.
i just know this ....i feel sick to my stomach reading it. i feel anger and sadness and hurt and fear all rolled into one.....
this brings out a lot of emotions....perhaps for the reader.....
but most importantly, for you.
just make sure you can rid yourself of these emotions in a healthy way (don't harm yourself) jus write and talk if you can.
I am truly amazed by your strength, as a writer and as a human being in general.
i'm here my friend, hearing every word and feeling every emotion with you.....

safe gentle hugs,
a fellow-victim/survivor

"Happiness at Last"

ooooh, NICE

this feels 'like home'

i like the format of this a lot too.

*thumbs up*




This is good. It is philosophy in prose. The message is true, undeniable and crafted brilliantly.
Very innovative way of doing it. Well done! "

"an excellent piece of writing, well worded and to the point, and a good point...however your
last point, may it not be better, may we not find happiness in accepting the miserable world,
accept reality as it is and not deluding ourselves with fantasy.? "










"Electric Potion"

"I liked it. Very original"

"Gryphon, I believe you have a lot of insight. perhaps more than you know what to do with, hence the

it works well because we get the benefit of your words.

keep sharing"






"ohhh, i agree with D....to be the inspiration behind such magic must be a wonderful place
to be.

you *write* by the book ...

"ohmigosh! i would love to know who inspired this peice beause it is fantastic! the beginning
'see her, dream her, want her, need her, obsess, i confess, every minute, every day...' sounds
so good.

the entire poem expresses the feelings in such a wonderful structure, it flows as if you were
thinking on paper.

when i read poems i like things with rhythm and rhyming, but does not sound like a limerick,
this, gryphondreamer, was a really great poem.(sigh) i wish one day I could inspire someone
to write something as beautiful as this. "

"Wow, this was great. The emotion was captured perfectly without too many words - very interesting."

This is really only a fraction of my reviews, some are lost or not posted because it's alot of trouble, thankyou... Why dont you sign the guestbook or email me one?

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