David sat in the grey cement room, still in a hospital gown, still in the hospital .Closely eying the gauze patches around his wrists. He softly touched the bruises on his face as he stared across the grey table, counting the grooves in the ashtray, waiting. He felt tired, worn out, as if he had jogged a marathon. Sick nauseated and in pain, he wanted to lay down and die, but they wouldn't let him, if he asked them to die, they would keep him alive, no matter what. The door behind him opened up and a man in a brown suit came quickly through the room and sat in front of him, holding folders and a notebook. David sat and stared at him, untill his eyes burnt. The man turned the first paper of the top folder without looking up. He began to hate him. He was just another person that would sympathize for a few minutes then walk away, not care much, pretend to be of help and assistance and then forever forget him. He continued reading his folders full of papers.
David inspected him closer, the closer he looked the less he liked him. He was of average height, but it was hard to tell, he was hunched over sideways flipping his papers. He had light brown hair, and a slightly receding hairline, but looked in his early thirties. Very white, blue eyes, thick fingers, he smelt like smoke. It was easy to tell in such an odorless, sterile room. For some reason David kept thinking he was a hatefull person. Another Nazi, as bad as the bastard that did this to him. "Nazi" he repeated in his head. Suddenly the Nazi looked up.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm Mr. Weiss,
your interviewer."
He was a fucking Nazi.
"Now.. uh... DAVID!"
He said the name excitedly as if he were a kindergarden teacher.
Germans invented kindergarden.
"Yes." David said, putting his hand on the gauze pad.
"Well, I've just spoken with your new therapist, and he says
that you have been doing better on the drugs, and he says your
ready to take a completely unmandatory part in this government,
medical, psychological survey, completely by your own will."
He seemed so fake, like a robot, or like any man in a suit on
tv, telling contestants rules.
Mr. Weiss stared at him for a moment wth his peircing blue eyes.
As if trying to figure him out, then he looked to his notepad
and scribbled for a moment. maybe it was German. He looked back
up and open his thin, pink lips and began to move them around
like he was saying something.
"What did you say!?"
"I said, Mr.David, answer as best you can, truthfully and
in as much time as you need."
"Ok?" Maybe he had gone deaf for a moment.
"Well, Mr.David, lets start shall we?..."
David only stared at him, at his plump face, and eyes, they seemed
to sway about the room.
"Do you have any recollection of the incident?"
"My wha-!"
"Incident!, do you remember anything.", he said, leaning
forward as if to talk to a third grader. David looked down at
his legs.
"...Not much, just-"
"Mr.David, let's start at the first things you can remember,
the earliest recollections in your head." as He said this
he fixed his seat and sat with his elbows on the table and his
hands together with the palms flat, pointing at the ceiling. "Please
"Uhh, I remember my friends calling me up, and then you -err
I was in a bar and-"
"A bar, your papers say your seventeen though."
"Yeah but-"
"You were drinking illegaly, I presume."
"Well, yes I was and-"
" AND, this bar let you in without I.D.? Or did you have
false ones?"
"I dont remember that so well, I dont even know what day
it was or what time or exactly which friends were ther-"
He interrupted again.
"Of course not." he said, leaning back in his chair.
David continued, a bit annoyed and a bit intimidated.
"Then, I remember loud music, I dont know what song, or what
drinks or what bar, I was talking to someone I didn't know who,
or I dont remember is it, but I just remember drinking and walking
out to some car, a little bit, tipsy mabe, I guess, and... and."
David hesitated. He began to remember things, he was remembering
the buzzing in his head and lips, how sounds blurred and vibrated
in his head. How his eyes and nose went numb.
"Do you remember his face, the car, a plate, a number, logos,
music, a street?!"
"N-No, I just remember... buzzing, in my face, and eyes,
m-my throat was numb." He said as if in pain as he put his
face in his palms.
"Okay then, thats alright now dont get upset about it."
"Upset, I'm not U-UPSET!"
"You come in here and talk about it like were strolling down
fucking memory lane I aint upset, I'M FUCKEN OUTRAGED!" David
had stood up and torn off a gauze pad, showing scrapes and rope
burns around his wrist.
"David, sit down or we'll have to put you on sedatives!"
David sat down, slowly back into his seat. He bagan to put the
gauze back on.
"How's the, ehh."
"The what?"
"The feet and wrists."
"They burn like hell." David looked back at him, hating
his round fascist face. He began to feel his injuries burn at
him again, and he began to feel hot inside and could feel his
skin cool of, thinking about the buzzing. He watched Mr.Nazi write
down his notes, analyzing him. Then he looked back up and dropped
his pencil.
"Okay, lets talk about another subject, have you in any way
felt, attatched to this person, you know who."
"What kind of a fucking question is that?!"
"I'll take that as a no." He paused for a moment then
started again, in his schoolteacher voice,"Now, how do you
feel right now."
"Specific, be as specific as you can."
"I'm, hurt, ashamed... embarassed, I want to kill him, cut
him open, watch him die, know who he is... I-I actually feel confused,
weak, and sort of, spacy you know how it is, that feeling. You're
not alive or dead or awake or sleeping or feeling anything. You're
numb, but i'ts always on my mind."
"When was the last time you slept?"
"Well, three days after I got here I hadnt slept, so they
pumped enough sedatives in me to kill a pack of girrafes and all
their cousins. That was four days ago and I havent slept again."
"I'ts only in your best interest to sleep."
"What, you dont think I try! I can't."
Mr. Weiss began to scribble his notes again, maybe he was drawing
little swastikas and burning Jews and Russians. for a while there
was a bit of beloved silence, David had learned not to take a
minute of it for granted. It was such a beautiful thing, when
no one talked, truly golden, silence. If he couldn't sleep at
least it would be quiet. He could a least let his brain rest from
the memories, if he let it be as quet as possible. All to be heard
was the scratching of pencil. That bastard and that nurse too,
she must've been a Nazi too. Take your pills, try and sleep, wake
up, go to bed, youve been up two days, youll kill yourself dont
walk it's to early, into the chamber, pile them up, into the ovens,
your work is done their family members can bury them if you dont
eat you'll get sick wo ist dien mutter und fahter, gde eti germanskie
sobakii za chem ti ne kushal ya yzhe skazal tebya-
He snapped back up, he had fllen asleep with his eyes open, staring
at the ceiling, he leaned forward again, with one hand on his
"It drives you crazy, just plain old nuts, being tired and
not able to sleep. It's worse than an itch you can't scratch.
I'ts more like being in surgery, with just enough sedatives not
to move, but just enough to feel everything, and I'ts horrible
and you get used to it, like a wound or an ache, then you think
about it and it comes back."
Weiss looked up at him again, and continued asking questions.
"How are the stitches?"
"How do you think I feel with four stitches, It hurts to
sit down, it hurts to walk, it huts to do anything."
"What about the pain killers?"
"They dont work for ashit."
"What do you remember after the car?"
David paused and looked at the wall behind Mr.Weiss, the buzzing
feeling began to come back.
"I remember waking up tied face down to the four posts, it
was too dark to see anything else, I just remember trying to yell,
but I felt sick and my mouth would just hang open, the ropes kept
burning me... I could only mumble, then I woke up in a dumpster."
"And thats it?"
"I guess..."
He looked down at the ash tray and thought to himself for a moment.
"Why would a hospital need ashtrays?"
"This is a type of psychiatric evaluation room, some people
need cigarrettes to relax."
"Oh." he said, waiting for the next question he was
going to ask him. Then Mr.Weiss took a look at his paper and asked
the next question as if he were reading it out of a script.
"After your encounter, do you feel any hate towards homosexuals
in general?"
David let out a hard breath and rested his chin on the back of
his palms. He felt old and brittle, and his chest hurt as he began
to speak.
"No, not really, not that I've ever liked them much, but
this guy wasnt just some fag," David looked down at the tray
and frowned, he focused off into space, letting his ears drink
in all he was aying, he was awake for this. "he's worse,
no better than a child molester, or a necrophiliac, he's sick,
a sick mother fucker."
Like those damn Nazis.
"A fucking Nazi."
"If you were able to find out who he was, or face him, in
person what would you do."
David paused for a moment to contemplate the great possibilities
of such a coincedence as to meet the man who did this to him.
All the things he could say, do, whatever. He made his answer
quickly and coldly.
"I'd kill him."
There was a long pause, and Mr.Weiss looked straight at david
and quietly muttered to him,
"I would too."
Thanks for reading it all, now it may be clear to you that David is schitzophrenic, or paranoid. I don't know, I usually don't re-read my works after completion. But If you payed attention to some detail and didnt blast your way through it, you may have noticed, how what David thinks may or may not be part of the conversation. And part of the conversation may or may not be what David thinks.