Nice goin' Stupid!

Giff knew it he was doomed, he hadn't done anything and he was now easily in the grasp of his predators. He kept thinking to himself..."Im gonna die Im gonna die Im gonna die Im gonna die Im gonna die Im gonna die Im gonna die Im gonna die Im gonna die Im gonna die Im gonna die Im gonna die Im gonna die Im gonna die Im gonna die Im gonna die Im gonna die Im gonna die Im gonna die Im gonna die Im gonna die Im gonna die Im gonna die Im gonna die Im gonna die Im gonna die Im gonna die Im gonna die Im gonna die Im gonna die Im gonna die Im gonna die !!!!!" And boy did he feel like he was gonna die too.

Father Lupin pulled Giff inside the church. All the lights were off and the few windows were curtained off. Father Lupin let go of Giff just at the beginning of the pews, and walked off into the darkness. Giff was left standing shaking in the dim church, he could swear he heard rattling coming out of his joints. he was to shocked to move or speak. But just then as he tried to call out to anybody he heard Father Lupin's voice ahead of him. "Now boys I want you to be polite and make sure you don't clue him off like the last one."

Giff figured that he was obviously not meant to hear that, and that was enough to "clue him off" that something was seriously wrong with this bunch. Then like a big angry spotlight from God, Father Lupin opened one window curtain to reveal the setting sun and illuminate the entire room. On the altar, there were about 6 to 8 boys about his age.

"Say hello boys." began father Lupin.

"Hello." The words echoed by a half dozen voices

Giff stood in the center, not knowing quite what to do, staring at the row of boys. they stared right back, but looked at him with strange smiles. Giff needed to act fast if he wanted to live.



Attack them!

Stand there like an idiot!

Run away!